This God Is Working Today

Hephaestus’ Forge‘ tells the tale of a master craftsgod, known for his skill and cunning, a most ‘ungodly’ appearance, a war thwarted by an arranged marriage, an unfaithful wife, and an inspired girdle!

In Greek mythology, Hephaestus is the god of blacksmiths, metalworking, carpenters, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metallurgy, fire and volcanoes. God would be working today.

So instead of working on labour day, I invite you to stop & read his tale.

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Hephaestus had powerful parents!

Zeus, his father had a problem on his hands. Many of the male deities wanted to marry the beautiful Aphrodite. Their fighting grew more and more problematic for Olympus. To finally put an end to the quarrels for her hand, Zeus arranged a marriage for her with Hephaestus.

It was his ugly appearance that inspired Zeus to choose him, so that the match would not inspire jealousy among other male deities. It was also his ugly appearance and a lack of love in the match that caused Aphrodite to have many affairs with both gods and men. The Dom Deluise type with a club foot was not for her.

Tired of the humiliation, one day Hephaestus created a magic net, which he would use to catch Athena and the war god Ares in bed together. He would bring them together before the gods and thoroughly humiliate them among their peers. Poseidon felt so sorry for them he convinced Hephaestus to release them and paid their fine for the indiscretion.

Maybe Hephaestus should have ‘borrowed’ Aphrodite’s credit card and visited my website!

Always working at his forge on Olympus, Hephaestus would go on to produce many of the gadgets and equipment of the gods, like Hermes winged helmet. He had also made Aphrodite’s girdle which inspired love and passion, which perhaps worked a little too well.

even god needs a day of rest.

May your Labour Day be a day to stop,
and have fun

What did you think of ‘Hephaestus’ Forge‘ and our story today? If you enjoy our stories and pottery, don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter here to keep up with what is happening in the studio.


  1. So interesting! The vase is beautiful. The mythology you share reminds me of other things, that people had connected the dots that are the stars, to form pictures of their Gods. Ares is the zodiac sign Aries.
    Also, thank you for sharing this song. I heard it years & years ago, and have been trying to recall who sang this, also for years. You just helped me out. Now, I can add it to my library of Metallica, Mozart, Muddy Waters, Motley Crue, and the rest : ).

    1. Wonderful! So glad to re-introduce it to you 🙂

      And yes, there is a very interesting history and connection between mythology and the celestial bodies!

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