Site icon The Alchemist's Studio

🌍 It’s Earth’s Rotation Day (?!) 🥳

Today is officially a day just for celebrating the earth’s Rotation!

It’s true! You can read all about the incredible history of our relationship with this piece of information about our planet here, but one thing that really stands out to me is that it is always changing and we are always learning more.

Take a look back with us!

Pretty cool! For me this information helps me feel more connected to the rest of you and to the planet, which is something that I am thankful for – especially in these times.

and In an effort to raise
our connection to each Other,
i would like to invite you to join

project hope.

I know when I receive a little package,

Letter or card of a personal nature it really brightens my day.

For this project, I am creating simple postage-friendly talismans that I can mail out to folks who want a little more hope in their lives or want to share some hope in the world.

I will send out one of these clay creations to a person that requests one and an additional 1-3 of them for the receiver to send out to one or a few of their contacts. In this way, together we can send out a little brightness and hope all over the world, bit by bit.

As you can see, the first talismans are now created and a page has been set up where people who would like to do so, can leave hopeful messages for the recipients. It also includes a map, so we can see where in the world hope has been sent (only the city would be used as the location marker on the map).

This project is totally free to participate in.

I plan to put in $100 for postage costs to kick off the project, and may even leave a few of the talismans in various places.

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🙏 Thank you for reading and We hope this invitation may resonate with you. 🙏

join us in bringing more hope to the world,

no matter which point in space we are each currently looking at!




If you are still reading this,
for extra fun,
pop on some music

and spin around with the earth!

Here’s a great song for it.

Let’s spin together and
celebrate our incredible planet!

Happy Saturday!

See other projects here as well as more raku vases here

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