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Are You Ready For Last Call?

It seems like it is a weekend of last calls around the studio!

Winter has decided to make an unseasonably early appearance – even here where I live in Canada we do not get snow this early. Yesterday we had snow most of the day, and I must say I do not remember it ever snowing this soon, but apparently it is the last call for Fall.

By Tuesday all the ‘white stuff’ will be gone.

I was playing around in the studio yesterday, making some little vases. I was throwing off the wheel, and going pretty quick. Below, pictured are some of my ‘tiny’ creations, which may not look like much, but below I will show you some of the ones I have done previously.

These all need some cleaning and trimming, as I was wiring them off the wheel.

It’s also last call for finishing up my book, as it goes off to the printer at the end of next week. It is an interesting feel to finish and bring something new into this world. I am excited it’s finished, but also I am looking at anything I can do to make it better before I have to let it go into the world. It is a little nerve wracking. Can any other writers relate?

It has been quite the journey getting the book to print and I could not have done it without the people who have supported my crowdfunding campaign. I want to thank all who have participated, by purchasing my book, sharing my campaign, and for all your kind words of encouragement!

We have reached 141 percent of our total goal to bring ‘A Potter’s Dream: Myths & Legends’ to print. If you have been thinking about getting a signed copy of ‘A Potter’s Dream: Myths & Legends’, now is the time! This is the final weekend of the campaign! You can be a part of ‘the dream’ by clicking here. If you are unable to support the project financially, please consider sharing our campaign on social media.

For those thinking of participating, I have decided to include a special ‘little’ surprise to the next three people who do so – a ‘tiny’ vase. Not just for people who live in tiny homes! There are also options to get the book along with various pottery items, like vases, Christmas trees, ornaments, jewelry or even raku owls.

Finished tiny vases. The white piece makes me smile!

They say things come in ‘threes’ and it will soon be last call for Christmas orders. If you have been considering ordering anything as a gift for Christmas, or would like something to arrive before the holidays, check here for more information about what we have available. In order to ensure receipt before Christmas, it is important to place your order before the first week of December, which the snow tells me is sooner than we all think!

What do you think of our tiny vases? Eventually I want to have a ‘little’ collection of various sizes for the studio.

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