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Change & Finding Opportunity

How do you navigate change?

This year, most have us have had to navigate through changes. With a global pandemic and so much upheaval in the world, it would be hard not to be affected in some way.

As many of you know, I have been renovating my studio since last year. As I moved into the interior of the studio to begin my renovations there this Spring, getting building supplies became more complex and delayed, (not to mention kiln parts) and of course that limited my ability to create, which has been frustrating to say the least.

But within frustration is opportunity. 2020 was the kind of year I had to let go of all my expectations and plans. So eventually I did, and here’s what happened:

The new studio isn’t quite finished now, but it’s back to the point where I can make beautiful things, so stay tuned. It turned out better than I could have ever dreamed, and it really is like walking into a new building. Perhaps it was through slowing down, letting go, and finding the possibilities in change that allowed this transformation.

In what surprising ways has 2020 brought change for you?

In the meantime as we get fired up again, why not take a look at some of our raku vases. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and don’t forget to sign up for our Newsletter to keep up to date on our journey.

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