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Name That Vase

I can not believe we are on our third installment of ‘Name that Vase’! When I wrote my first post like this, I never guessed that so many of you would actually respond with a story. So a special thank you to all my readers who respond with their ideas and creativity!

Those of you who are new to my blog, might be wondering what is a ‘Name that Vase’ post. I am asking any of you talented writers, poets or dreamers out there who may be interested to ….

Name that Vase! Here is where you can suggest a name, create a story, poem or prose for this raku pottery vase. You can see some examples here.

Last week, I asked people to choose a vase for this feature. And our winner, by a single vote is below:

Please comment below with your idea for a name for this vase, and an associated snippet of writing and any comments you might have about this vase. The chosen idea will be featured on both our blog and the page for the raku vases, with a link included to your website.

You can check out more of our vases and their stories here!

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