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Name that Vase

As many of my regular followers and readers know, I often name the vases I create and write a little story. Usually I pull from my knowledge of mythology or pop-culture to tell a tale that has the right piece for the raku pottery vase.

A few weeks ago, I wrote my first ‘Name that Vase’ post, and many of my readers participated in coming up with stories, poems and prose! I was excited by the response. So much so, I am doing another post just like it!

This particular vase has been known as ’89’, and it is time it had a name and a story!

That is where you come in! I am asking any of you talented writers, poets or dreamers who may be interested to ….

Name that Vase!

Create your own unique short story, poem, prose or a random thought!

Here is an example of what people came up with last time we played ‘Name that Vase’! You can also check out our page of vases, which mostly have stories.

So please comment below with your idea for a name for this vase, and an associated snippet of writing. The chosen idea(s) will be featured on both our blog and the page for the raku vases, with a link included to your website.

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