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The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life - Raku Pottery Sculpture

The Tree of Life - Raku Pottery Sculpture

The tree of life is prevalent in the mythologies of the world. It is considered to be a symbol of creation and interconnectedness. Common roots of our world family can be found in this concept, and not just in some far off ancient texts.

For my first solo art exhibition, ‘Myth of Family’, I created a sculptural piece honouring this mystical tree.

Raku Sculpture – Tree of Life Currently on exhibit at the Oxford Riverside Gallery

It is a theme I like to explore in my work. Some of my readers may recall a previous work I did by this name, which is now one of the windows in my studio.

The world needs trees. It is a delicate balance of interconnected organisms on a scale that I feel is beyond our imagining. Living beings on this planet, including microbes and plants work together in unexpected ways.

Perhaps people are not unlike this too. Why would we be an exception? I do believe we are all interconnected in ways we can not understand. The choices I make here may have a ripple effect, more prominently on those closest, but ripples can reach out far and wide.

Beyond the ancient texts, scientists have discovered just how much trees contribute to life on this planet. Collectively, we as a species have not done well by trees. Large forest groves not only sequester carbon, but also help maintain biodiversity. Trees have a huge implication on the microbial communities in soil and have a profound impact on water/moisture levels. This impacts on our food supply.

Right now we are losing more trees than are being planted all over the world. Forest fires are a common phenomenon, but when combined with human activity there may be devastating consequences and implications for all life on this planet.

I feel we are at a critical juncture on this planet. Beyond environmental concerns, people are feeling more disconnected than ever. We have devices and gadgets that make it easier to connect with the world. But why do we feel more lonely than ever?

The tree of life teaches us that we are all interconnected on this planet. All life is. I hope we embrace those connections and the idea of a well balanced creation, rather than the greedy destruction based in fear of scarcity. The trees are counting on us, and so are our children. And all living things on this planet. Maybe the ancients knew something about the crisis we would face in our evolution when they chose the Tree of Life as a spiritual symbol?

What do you think of my ‘Tree of Life’ sculpture? Do you believe life on our planet is interconnected?

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