When Life Is In Chaos

If you would like greater context of this vase in the Alchemist’s Studio universe, please check out raku vase, ‘Tears of Uranus’, which you can read here, and also the story for ‘Gaia’s Revenge‘. It’s no wonder those two come from Chaos!

Now let’s Descend in to Chaos!

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Chaos‘, tells the tale the story of everything, but also nothing, of the void, and how everything sprung from it. And it may explain those days we all have when the unexpected keeps cropping up.

It’s not easy existing in a cosmic void, particularly if you feel like you are alone in the universe. Fortunately, for most of us, we will never know how that really feels. But for Chaos, it was the only thing they would know for some time.

Chaos existed for much time in a state of disorder, at least according to us humans. One day Chaos started feeling different than usual. They wondered if they had eaten too many sub atomic particles and space junk.

Chaos definitely began to feel more and more strange, until suddenly, a cosmic egg emerged from them. At first Chaos dismissed this occurrence as simply just more Chaos, but it was from this egg that all elements of our world would originate from.

Cosmic egg, it does the universe good.

You can read the vase story of another cosmic egg from another culture here – The Brahmanda!

That our Earth comes from Chaos

Might explain a lot of things from our history and that are even going on today.

That science so many years later would describe the origin of the universe coming from a single point in a void, makes me wonder if the Greeks knew something we did not.

Thanks for reading and
have a great weekend!


  1. This caught my eye immediately. I’m looking for something to keep in my garden but I don’t want an open piece like a vase which will collect water – just a closed top accent piece – so I sadly have to pass on this. But I do love it with it’s kisses of purple!

    1. Hi Nancy! that is good to know! So a raku piece like this would not be great for the garden as they are more fragile (have cracks in the glaze due to process). However we do have some other garden and rain safe items (would suggest bringing them away from snow/ice) pieces like the owls and buddhas. They are closed at the top so no water can get in 🙂

      https://rakupottery.ca/raku-owls/ The cosmic owl here is an example of a garden safe owl, buddhas are here https://rakupottery.ca/buddha-busts/ these ones are raku that are up, but more are coming. If you contact us over email we can send you pictures of the garden friendly Buddhas and owls should you like?

      If so please contact here and we can get that done for you https://rakupottery.ca/contact/

      We would be more than happy to help you find the right piece for you!

  2. I’ve looked through the entire pottery shop collection online and do not see any cat statues. I’m not sure how this is possible since I followed the cat link you sent me. Did I miss something? 🐈‍⬛

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